March 27, 2007
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Riptides of emotion are drowning me |
March 23, 2007
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Overheard at the Dubya House |
The Morning after St Patrick's Day:
Mrs Big Dubya: Honey, Did you really drink 5 Guinness last night? I bought 8 and there are only 3 left....
Mr Big Dubya: (Sheepishly) No, I had an accident with one
Mrs Big Dubya: (Incredulously) Accident? What kind of accident?
Mr Big Dubya: Well, I put a couple in the freezer to chill and, well...
Mrs Big Dubya: Exploded, huh?
Mr Big Dubya: No, I left them in too long and the widget...... it didn't.... it didn't..... it didn't widgetize.... so it tasted like shit
Mrs Big Dubya: Widgetize?
Mr Big Dubya: Yeah, you know that chip in the can..... it really does make a difference
After a new neighbor stopped by:
Mrs Big Dubya: I really like her
Mr Big Dubya: Still think she's crazy?
Mrs Big Dubya: Oh, absolutely -- but she's our kind of crazy
Mr Big Dubya: Yeah, she is, isn't she?..... poor thing.
March 22, 2007
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They like me, they really like me! |
March 19, 2007
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I'm the not-so proud owner of a nifty new gas can |
March 11, 2007
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Don't Hate Me Because I'm a Republican |
All too often conversations like the following occur in the Dubya house:
Mrs Big Dubya: I'm not going to read so-and-so's blog anymore
Mr Big Dubya: Why? They're as funny as all hell
Mrs Big Dubya: They are mean to Republicans -- he/she hurt my feelings with a post today
Mr Big Dubya: Well, then you're gonna run out of blogs to read
Mrs Big Dubya: Yeah, I know
My name is Mrs Big Dubya and I'm a Conservative -- That's right..... the Big Dubya and I are registered Republicans. We're outcasts here in the Liberal Blogsphere..... and my feelings get hurt on a regular basis by my fellow bloggers, as they constantly paint us with a broad and unfair brush of stereotypes and generalities.
Some of my closest friends are on the opposite side of the political spectrum -- but we manage to acknowledge the fact neither of us came to our position lightly -- we just believe in taking different approaches to solving some very complex issues. I learn so much from discussions with my liberal friends -- in some cases they can sway me more toward the middle and in some cases they help me reaffirm my position -- but I'm more informed because of the discussion -- I hope they are too. This seems more constructive than implying that conservatives dislike gays, women, the elderly, the sick, the poor and just about every other group.
Rather than stop reading some of my favorite blogs, I thought I might try to dispel some conservative myths
We don't hate charity -- as was implied by a fellow blogger recently.
We don't hate women
We don't love war
We don't hate illegal aliens -- we just want people to come to our country legally -- like we all learned in kindergarten -- take your turn... if it's worth having, it's worth waiting for.
We don't hate the poor -- or the sick for that matter.
We don't dislike gays or lesbians
We don't hate teachers or want to leave children behind without the ability to read
I won't pretend there aren't some nut-job republicans... of course there are, but there are embarrassments in every group.
Now, if you'll excuse me -- I'm going to go eat some kittens for dinner.
March 9, 2007
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It's Friday and it's Cocktail Time |

Now, her recipe is as follows:
2 shots coffee drink (recommended: Starbucks Frappuccino)
1 shot vodka
Fill a martini shaker with ice cubes.
Add coffee drink and vodka.
Shake vigorously.
Strain into a martini glass. Top glass with remaining foam from shaker.
I used the Starbucks Mocha Frappuccio and ratio of 2:1 was a bit strong for me (give me a break, I've spent 20 of the last 30 months pregnant), so I made it with a half a shot (Stoli Vanil) instead and it was still delicious.....

March 7, 2007
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I was not an English major |
March 3, 2007
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Paying the price of technology |
My parents are from Ireland -- they both grew up in small (and fairly remote) villages. Growing up, I had the good fortune of going to Ireland in the summers. The village my Dad grew up in was very quiet -- beautiful, secluded and quiet. It sounds like a dream, doesn't it? I mean -- we'd wake up in the morning to the sound of sheep -- our days were filled with long walks and paddling around the lake in a small boat. Today, this sound like heaven to me -- to an eleven year old me, well...... after the first day it was pretty boring. We wouldn't have dreamed of complaining though, instead -- we devoured books and played never-ending games of Uno and solitaire.
I was eleven, when my grandfather taught me to play solitaire -- it's probably the only thing that he ever taught me. The cards were well worn -- they were soft and buttery, they were browning around the edges -- my grandparents never threw anything out -- new cards would never even be considered. I remember setting the cards up and spending an eternity looking for that next move...... Even now, I think of my grandfather when I play solitaire -- he would never approve of me cheating, even though I'd want to -- it was a far more attractive alternative to shuffling and setting up a new game.
I can't remember the last time I played solitaire with an actual deck of cards. Now, like most people, I play on a computer or on my pda (it passes the time while I pump). The electronic version doesn't let you cheat -- so, that's no longer a temptation -- but, it's so easy to give up and deal a new game -- so much of the strategy and deliberation is gone... if a game isn't going well, you can start over with a click of the mouse.
Technology has changed so many of the good old fashioned pass-times. TV, video games, computers...... they've really stolen the thunder of card games, board games and good books. I'm not sure we have a deck of cards...... but if we don't, I think I'm going to pick one up.
March 2, 2007
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I pulled out the 'lil man's Bumbo chair today |
I pulled out the 'lil man's Bumbo chair today because I needed someplace to put her
While I dealt with this....
Happy Weekend!