August 2, 2008

He's like a rock star or a movie star

The Big Dubya just got off the phone with a blog-star........

If I weren't so tired from having three children under 38 months (and a little tipsy from splitting this bottle of wine), I think I'd swoon!

I remember 3+ years ago.... Kara sent us the link to his blog and that of some crazy Trixie person who recorded every feeding, diaper change and graphed it all...... and you thought I was a spreadsheet geek!

He and his bride were expecting their baby -- a couple of months before us and I hung on every post.... I was so excited the day they delivered and so completely grossed out by stories of the haz-mat bag....

And now here we are 3 years later and he was just on our phone line...... can you believe it??? I may never wash our phone again


Challenge 20/20 teams said...

No. Way.

Blogging Secret