I'm not even sure why I hate her, but I hate her.
I've never seen her show..... I just hate her. I cringe when I see her -- I won't even try Huggies pull-ups because they have her on them.....
What is my problem?
Navigating Life with Big Dubya, the 'lil Dubya, the 'lil Dubyette and the 'lillest Dubya
Posted by Mrs Big Dubya at 7:49 AM
There is NOTHING wrong with Dora hate. It is a perfectly normal reaction to a very annoying cartoon character who has more than had her 15 minutes. :)
"who has had more than her 15 minutes."
I should click the "preview" button first.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news - Dora may be annoying, but once the kids grow out of her and her kind, the choices are even worse (Zach and Cody, anyone?) and Darren and I are seriously contemplating blocking the Cartoon Network completely....
I hate Dora too. It's her voice, she yells constantly, no talking and it's piercing and goes right through a person. Although as a mother of teenagers I shouldn't have to worry about her, but I do. Why? Great nieces and Great nephews.
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