August 16, 2008

I hate her

I'm not even sure why I hate her, but I hate her.

I've never seen her show..... I just hate her. I cringe when I see her -- I won't even try Huggies pull-ups because they have her on them.....

What is my problem?


Amy @ Taste Like Crazy said...

There is NOTHING wrong with Dora hate. It is a perfectly normal reaction to a very annoying cartoon character who has more than had her 15 minutes. :)

Amy @ Taste Like Crazy said...

"who has had more than her 15 minutes."

I should click the "preview" button first.

Sue said...

I hate to be the bearer of bad news - Dora may be annoying, but once the kids grow out of her and her kind, the choices are even worse (Zach and Cody, anyone?) and Darren and I are seriously contemplating blocking the Cartoon Network completely....

Anonymous said...

I hate Dora too. It's her voice, she yells constantly, no talking and it's piercing and goes right through a person. Although as a mother of teenagers I shouldn't have to worry about her, but I do. Why? Great nieces and Great nephews.

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